Warm Lemon Water: Health Myth or Fact?
By Sander Kersβ’ December 22, 2023β’ 3 minβ’Nederlands π³π±

Warm Lemon Water: Does It Aid Weight Loss?
Drinking warm lemon water in the morning is a popular habit often praised in health blogs and diets. But how many of these claims are based on facts?
This simple drink, made of warm water and lemon juice, is thought to offer numerous health benefits. Lemon water is also believed to shrink the stomach and aid in weight loss. Let's explore the reality.
Debunking Lemon Water Myths
Drinking warm lemon water contributes to your daily fluid intake, but the idea that it offers significant health benefits is questioned by experts. They emphasizes that the health benefits of lemon juice are often exaggerated. Taken out of context, the acid in lemon juice can even be harmful to your teeth, and the amount of vitamin C you get from half a lemon is relatively small.
Why Warm Lemon Water and Not Just Cold?
You might think there's a mystical reason for drinking specifically warm or lukewarm water with a half or whole squeezed lemon. At least, that's what I always thought. The only reason I can find on the internet is that many people find it hard to drink a cold glass of water in the morning. So, the warm water doesn't do anything extra. Let's move on to the lemon.
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Citric Acid Does Not Enhance Digestion
A common claim is that lemon water promotes digestion by strengthening stomach acid. This is literally impossible. Let's have a quick pH refresher. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 and measures the acidity of an aqueous solution. Everything under 7 is acidic, with 0 being the most acidic, and everything above 7 is alkaline (or basic). Tap water is at a pH of 7, and your blood fluctuates between 7.35 and 7.45, slightly alkaline. Your stomach is extremely acidic, with a value of 1-1.5, making it a champion at breaking down food products. Pure lemon juice has a value of 2-3. Very acidic, but compared to stomach acid, it's sweet. Especially when mixed with water, this drives the pH value back towards 6-7. In other words, citric acid does not enhance digestion.
Does Lemon Water Shrink Your Stomach, Leading to Weight Loss?
Yes, I don't know about you, but when I see a lemon, my face crinkles up. It feels like my face is shrinking. Your stomach is a balloon and indeed, it can expand or return to its standard size. What happens to a balloon when you pour half a liter of water into it? Exactly, it expands. How could a stomach shrink with such an extra amount of fluid inside... Indeed, the expansion of the stomach can signal that nothing more needs to be added. That's the power of drinking water in the context of weight loss. But that can also be done by a glass of water without the lemon.
Vitamin C, Skin, and Immunity
While vitamin C is beneficial for the skin and immune system, a lemon is not the richest source of this vitamin. Moreover, vitamin C doesn't fare well in heat, limiting its effectiveness in warm lemon water. Alternative sources like kiwis, strawberries, and red bell peppers contain more vitamin C. Here's a fun fact about vitamin C - and I don't want to completely dismiss lemons. Your intestines absorb the mineral iron better in the presence of vitamin C. A small point for lemon, but as you can see, there are smarter sources to consume.
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Antioxidants and Liver Function
The idea that the antioxidants in lemon improve liver function is also questioned. The liver itself produces citric acid, and adding a bit of lemon juice won't significantly stimulate liver functions. Other fruits and vegetables also contain antioxidants that can support the liver.
Does Lemon Water Have an Alkalizing Effect and Reduce Inflammation?
The concept that lemon water alkalizes the body and prevents inflammation is also challenged. Lemon is naturally acidic, meaning it tends to make your body more acidic rather than alkaline. As you've read, stomach acid is even more acidic, so you don't have to worry about a lemon making your body more acidic. How lemon water would reduce inflammation remains an unanswered question.
A Conscious Choice for Health
Even though lemon water isn't a miracle drink, it can symbolize a healthy lifestyle. Consciously choosing healthy habits, like drinking lemon water, can contribute to a healthier day. Alternatives like water with mint or cucumber can offer similar benefits without harming the teeth. Yes, you read that right, lemon water could potentially damage your teeth. Water is always a good choice for your body, so water with lemon is better than no water.
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Conclusion β Warm Lemon Water is a Great Start to the Day
Drinking warm lemon water can be a pleasant and hydrating way to start the day, but take the health claims with a grain of salt. A balanced diet, adequate hydration, regular exercise, and good sleep are essential for good health and wellbeing.
Speaking of exercise. Strength training has only benefits for your body and vitality. Make sure you start with a serious fitness plan and live your life more enjoyably. Every day!

Frequently Asked Questions About Warm Lemon Water
What does lemon do to your stomach?
Nothing significant! Lemon juice doesn't stimulate digestion by increasing the production of stomach acid and digestive enzymes. Citric acid is much less acidic than stomach acid. Moreover, diluting the lemon with water greatly reduces its acidity.
What happens if you drink lemon water every day?
Drinking lemon water daily can enhance hydration, thanks to the water content. It can also be a source of vitamin C, though in modest amounts. However, prolonged use could slightly damage the teeth due to the acidity.
What does lemon do on an empty stomach?
Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach can improve hydration. Water is always a great option for hydration. You can also mix it with mint, cucumber, orange slices, or ginger β whatever you find tasty.
Can you lose weight by drinking lemon water?
Lemon water can aid in weight loss by replacing high-calorie drinks and temporarily reducing appetite. However, it's not a miracle cure; healthy eating and regular exercise are key for effective weight loss.
How often can you drink lemon water?
Lemon water can be safely consumed in moderation. A glass daily is generally acceptable, but it's important to limit intake if you are prone to tooth erosion.
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